When you learn how to cook in a crock pot, you’ll find out that going light only means getting rid of junk and saving time. With minimal prep time, you are ready to go. Your slow cooker does the work. The low heat pulls all the nutrients and flavors out without needing oils.
You have a wide selection of cooking light slow cooker recipes, including vegetarian foods made with soups and stews.
Slow Cooked Soups and Stews
Soups and stews are a natural beginning for slow cookers. In a chilly fall or winter, what could be better than returning home, walking to the kitchen, and pouring yourself a cup of your favorite soup—just the way you like it?
You can cuddle up or relax by the fireplace with your favorite food and return the years of slow-paced living. You can relax your mind, and the nutrition you carefully select in your soup allows you to do that.
The aroma the fills your entire house is a testimony to what you are putting in your body.
You can wonder why you like your soup. Was it fun or easy to make? Did it remind you of love and care when you were sick and your mom brought you a cup of chicken noodle soap?
You become relaxed and decide to enjoy the moment and plan your next soup adventure.
It may be something more substantial like vichyssoise or borscht, something that you can have for lunch with a bit of bread.
After a little practice, you’ll find out that soups need more liquid in a slow cooker that has been on for several hours. Experiment with two or three cups of broth or water to see which you prefer. More liquid also means more good stuff, such as herbs for vegetarian dishes.
If you are cooking meat, you may want to sear it first to keep the juices in. Some slow cookers come with searing parts you can use on the oven or stand-alone.
Cutting the meat into small pieces will absorb more of the flavors from your other ingredients. If you cut it into larger pieces and sear it, your meat will retain more of the meaty taste.
One thing you don’t want to do is to take your meat from the freezer and put it into your slow cooker. You should thaw it first. Your taste buds will thank you.
There is order in the universe and your cooking. Meat goes in first, then your vegetables. Slow cookers are more forgiving of your technique. It is hard to go wrong. Still, it is better if you plan your recipes in advance. Chop the ingredients you planned and place them after the meat, if meat is included.
A common soup recipe is blood pressure-saving celery soup. For heavier soups, you can use heavy cream that holds up to longer cooking time without scorching. Don’t go overboard, this is after all about delicious crock pot light recipes and not covering up everything with a layer of fat.
For the final touches, rosemary, dill, basil, oregano, and parsley make the soup’s flavor pop.
You can make large batches and freeze the leftovers for another day.